Saturday, February 23, 2008

Favourite Movies - part 2

There are a lot of movies that I have enjoyed over the years. I shared some of the comedies and mysteries yesterday. Today, I'll let you in on some of my favourite romance (serious and comedic) and drama picks.

I've always enjoyed Meg Ryan's romantic roles such as: "When Harry Met Sally" 1989; "Prelude To A Kiss" 1992; "IQ" 1994; and "Kate And Leopold" 2001.

Meg was also great in "Sleepless In Seattle" 1993 and "You've Got Mail" 1998 where she co-starred with Tom Hanks.

Tom has starred in some of my fav's such as; "Philadelphia" 1993; "Apollo 13" 1995; "Cast Away" 2000; "Road To Perdition" 2002; "Catch Me If You Can" 2002; "The Lady Killers" 2004; "The Terminal" 2004.

In the category of "Fairy Tale-esque", I have two picks;
"The Princess Bride" 1987 hilarious and romantic with an outstanding cast!

"Everafter" 1998 stars Drew Barrymore in a great version of a Cinderella story.

Drew is also quite enjoyable in; "See You In The Morning" 1989; "The Wedding Singer" 1998; and "50 First Dates" 2004

Other favourites include;

"Tell Me That You Love Me Junie Moon" (1970) starring Liza Minnelli, Ken Howard and Robert Moore as three disabled misfits looking for love and acceptance.

"Somethings Gotta Give" 2003 Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson

"Secondhand Lions" 2003 starring Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osment in a great coming of age story with adventure, humour and love

"The Notebook" 2004 A real tear jerker with James Garner and Gena Rowlands

You can find more info on these movies and many more at; or

There are a lot of great movies out there. I've only listed a few of mine and I barely scratched the surface. Someday, I'll post a list of old black and whites that I enjoy. For now, I'm sure that I've tweaked enough memories to send you to your stash of VHS or DVD's or your nearest movie rental store .



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