Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Typical Female - NOT!

I am not you typical female.

I am most comfortable in jeans/casual pants/sweats and a T-shirt/sweater. I haven't worn a dress or skirt in over twenty years. I don't even own any anymore. I've never worn more than a one inch heel and even then it was easy to loose my balance. I don't own any nylons, lace, fancy lingerie, frilly things or even any prints. I don't have pierced ears or wear makeup. I hate PINK and RED! I don't obsess over shoes and purses. I refuse to follow the fashion trends.

Am I a tomboy? NO, not at all, I'm just a woman who knows what she likes and doesn't like. I refuse to bow to the so called fashion guru's and what they think I must have to be a "real woman".

It took a long time to figure out what I liked and didn't like. There were a few things that I have never liked such as; nylons, lace, frills, heels. I've never liked bright colours or prints in any area of fashion or decor - especially in the pinks and reds. They literally hurt my eyes. I have owned some deep burgundy but much prefer the blues, greens, purples, greys, blacks and browns. I buy as close to 100% cotton clothing whenever possible. Wool and man made fabrics irritate my skin!

When I was in high school we had a dress code. The girls had to wear dresses or skirts, although we were allowed to wear dress pants in winter months (November through February). The guys were not held to as strict a code. They were "encouraged" to wear dress pants but as this was a farming community they were also allowed to wear good jeans. What a horrible double standard. We tried to fight it but lost.

I tried wearing makeup in high school and early 20's, but if felt weird and unnatural to me. I also got skin reactions to most of the products I tried, so I finally decided to go natural and if people didn't like the way I looked then that was their problem. This is what I really look like - get over it and get to know who is inside or get out of my way!

I've tried a few trends over the years, but I tend to stick to the same styles and colours - the basics and the classics that look good on me. I know what I like and what makes me feel comfortable. If I am comfortable with what I wear, then I am more relaxed and confident.

This may seem boring and even sacrilegious to the fashionista's and some women but this is who I am. This is my style and a lot cheaper to maintain and upgrade than a whole new wardrobe every season!


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