Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Y&R Wiki Shout-Out!

A couple of months ago The Young and The Restless Wiki started paying tribute to some of their contributors by giving them a "shout-out" on the Homepage in recognition of all the work they do on the wiki. Several very deserving people have been given this honour.

I've only been contributing for a few months and was positive that I was no where near that type of honour. There were at least 6 or 8 that I thought would be featured before I would even be considered.
Well I was wrong! On Monday March 17, I'd been on the site in the morning and then I left for a few hours - come back late afternoon and clicked on the "discussion forum" and before I start reading thread titles, I see I have 3 messages. The first two are from a friend, I'll call "B"...

#1 "Could you do me a favor? - Hello Chocolate Hider. How are you today? I need a favor. Tell me about yourself on your profile or in a message will you? Like where you are from and family and interests etc. Thanks. B"

#2 "Oh Never Mind - Hi I see you did this since i was here nosing around before. Thanks my friend. B"

... and I wonder what the heck is going on? Not that I minded her asking for info on me - it was just so out of the blue! Not to mention we had already exchanged a few private "getting to know you type notes". Hmm she has always teased me about my chocolate icon/pic so maybe she's having me investigated so she could find my stash of chocolate! LOL!

Then I read the 3rd message which was from another friend "s", who was sending a compliment and congratulations on making Homepage! Homepage!?!? I went into shock! I clicked over to the homepage and sure enough - there was my chocolate pic about half way down on the right hand side with these words:

WIKI MEMBER SHOUT-OUT "This week's wiki shout-out goes to dnsyl57 ! She was born on a prairie farm and has lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada since 1984.(Check Out Her Profile) to see photos). She has a self-described wickedly warped sense of humor and loves to laugh. She loves music, baking and cooking. Drop her a message or send her a compliment!"

Never occurred to me that I would even be considered for homepage given how few posts I've made! (About 300or so at taht point) I stared at the screen in disbelief. I have no idea how I was chosen for this honour. I needed a "chocolate IV" to revive myself! I went to the discussion forum and there was a thread, created by my friend "s", that said; "Congratulations dnsyl57 on the Homepage"

What an incredible week it has been! The thread has had several posts and I've received several messages, friend requests and compliments from my fellow wiki members. It is a really humbling experience to have so many nice things said about yourself.

The wiki is a very caring and supportive community. I've met some wonderful new friends. We share only what we are comfortable in sharing about ourselves and several of us do not even list our real names to protect our privacy. To an outsider, it may seem difficult to believe that you can make friends this way, and until a few months ago, I would have agreed. The truth is, it comes slowly and goes only as far as you allow it. Would I be friends with these people in the real world? Probably not with all of them, but there are a few that I am sure I would be.

Well, late Tuesday afternoon, March 25, the next deserving candidate was announced. She is also a friend of mine and one of the many that I I thought deserved this honour more than I. I have already posted a congratulatory note on the thread created in her honour and I will continue to congratulate each deserving person that comes after her.
Thanks again to all my friends on the wiki - you made this a very special week and I will never forget the kind things you have written to me and about me.

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