Thursday, April 24, 2008

Soul Mates

Do you believe in soul mates? Is there really only one true love for each person? They really are tough questions.

I think there really is such a thing as soul mates. I don't believe that everyone necessarily hooks up with there true love. Sometimes people are too impatient to be with "someone" to wait for the right "someone" to come into their life, so they settle for a less than perfect match. Any relationship is hard, but making it work with the wrong person can be downright exhausting and often not worth the emotional toll.

When I was in my late teens and twenties, I saw a lot of my friends falling in love and getting married. I could never understand how they could be so positive that this was their soul mate. It seemed so easy for many of them to find their mate. I have no idea how many of those marriages have survived. At least a few have hit the thirty year mark and I know of a few divorces. My parents were married 59 years and 5 months when my dad died in 2003.

I've never married. Never even come close. Have I regretted that? Occasionally, but for some reason I've always believed that I was supposed to be single in this life. The chorus of the old Linda Ronstadt song "I Never Will Marry" always seemed to be in the back of my mind!

"I never will marry
I'll be no man's wife
I expect to live single
All the days of my life"

I know, never say never - and you are right - there still may be that one guy out there for me and for whatever reason, we haven't connected yet. Maybe we have met but it just isn't our time. Maybe there is a reason (from a past life) that we aren't together in this life.

I think it is highly possible that I have already met my soul mate. There have been several people that are (or have been) part of my life that I have felt connected to, but for whatever reason, we aren't supposed to be together in this life or at least not yet. I think it is more important that you actually cross paths with your soul mate in each life rather than actually spending that life with them.

"Where Or When"
by Rodgers & Hart

Sometimes you think you've lived before
All that you live today
Things you do come back to you
As though they knew the way
Oh, the tricks your mind can play!

It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other the same way then
But I can't remember where or when
The clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore
The smile you are smiling you were smiling then
But I can't remember where or when

Some things that happen for the first time
Seem to be happening again
And so it seems that we have met before
And laughed before and loved before
But who knows where or when?

This song was written for the movie "Babes in Arms" (1939), but I've included a version by Julie London that does not include the verse. Hope you enjoy it!



  1. I love this pop song about wondering where your soul mate is. The line with the sandbox is my favorite!

    Love Song For No One
    by John Mayer

    Staying home alone on a Friday
    Flat on the floor looking back
    On old love
    Or lack thereof
    After all the crushes are faded
    And all my wishful thinking was wrong
    I'm jaded
    I hate it

    I'm tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here
    So tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here
    Get here

    Searching all my days just to find you
    I'm not sure who I'm looking for
    I'll know it
    When I see you
    Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom
    Staying up all night just to write
    A love song for no one

    I'm tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here
    So tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here

    I could have met you in a sandbox
    I could have passed you on the sidewalk
    Could I have missed my chance
    And watched you walk away?
    Oh no way

    I could have met you in a sandbox
    I could have passed you on the sidewalk
    Could I have missed my chance
    And watched you walk away?

    I'm tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here
    I'm so tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here

    I'm tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here
    I'm so tired of being alone
    So hurry up and get here oh yeah

    You'll be so good
    You'll be so good for me

  2. I 've never heard this song, but I love the words - I'm going to look for an mp3 of the song so I can listen to it. I'll let you know how I like it when I hear it! Thanks for sharing it my friend!!

  3. I tried looking on Limewire and for some reason couldn't access the network :( but...

    I found several versions of the song on YouTube and I found this accoustic version that I liked;

    I downloaded the video and converted it to an mp3 and added it to my collection! Thanks again leelu!

  4. I've never heard that version before - I love it! Thanks! :)
