Monday, September 22, 2008


Before I started writing this post, I took a look out my window. I look out at my stunning view of the city several times a day, but in the last few days it is more to see how much the leaves have started to change. The sea of green tree tops is starting to turn to brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red!

I love Autumn! It has always been my favourite season. My sight has always limited me from seeing the beauty of the spring buds and blossoms, but the brilliance in the colours of the changing autumn leaves is like a feast for my eyes!

There is also the bounty of the fall harvest of apples, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, squash and other produce. Oooh, it is all so delicious!

Fall also has its own aroma. There is the cool crispness in the air and the fragrant smell of wood burning fireplaces and of freshly baked goods coming out of ovens that had been sitting idle through the heat of the summer!

Before I lost so much of my sight, I used to love going for long walks in the fall. I'd find a park or a trail and shuffle through the fallen leaves. I loved having leaf fights! I can vividly remember walking along a shallow ditch that used to fill with the fallen leaves every fall. The sound of the leaves rustling at my feet was like music to my ears! I've really missed those walks...

Autumn is a true feast for the senses!

I know a lot of people don't like fall, as they see it as the foreshadowing of winter. They are right, but they are focused on the next season to come and fail to notice the beauty of the moment at hand. We need to stop and take a deep breath of the fall air and drink in the tastes, sounds, aromas and beauty of Mother Nature's handiwork.

I found this video on YouTube. Nat King Cole sings the melancholy song, "Autumn Leaves" while a slide show of autumn beauty graces the screen. I hope you enjoy the video and also take time to enjoy the real life beauty of the season...


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