Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Writing A Blog

So a couple of days ago, I posted some photos that a friend had sent me. I e-mailed her and told her that I was using some of the photos on the blog and that she should check out how her forwarded e-mail had inspired my twisted mind. She was surprised that she had inspired me and asked what all I write about and how I get my ideas. As I was writing a response, I realized that with a little editing and a few additions, that even the response would make a good post! Inspiration can come in the strangest and most unique ways!

I started the blog back in February as a way to express myself. I had been posting on the Y&R Wiki and occasionally on a games forum for several months, but also knew that I had much more to say and write about. A blog seemed like the best option to allow me creative freedom. After a bit of research, I found that blogspot.com had the best layouts for my vision. I set up the blog and emailed my friends to let them know what I was up to and to invite them to come and check it out. I also asked that if they passed the address on, that they use only my screen name - to protect my privacy.

Generally, I try to keep at least two or three posts ahead. I keep a list of blog ideas and notes for future posts. I write the majority of my own stuff, but sometimes I get a little bit of writers block or I get sidetracked by other day to day life things and am in a pinch for something to put up. I've saved some e-mail stuff that I can use if I'm stuck or if I just find it funny/interesting. I also post a few of my favourite recipes every month, just to keep things interesting.

I've written about a LOT of different stuff since I started the blog in February. Including this one, I've made 136 posts so far. Everything from humour, recipes, stories of growing up, my vision loss, my weight loss struggles (6 part series in March) and my beliefs. I've done a few articles on people/things I like and a few on music. I did a series on Canada around Canada Day. I try to keep it clean and never mention names of people I know without their permission. There was a 3 part series about working at summer camp in the 1970's (posted in July) and several posts that are music related! I've written about life, love and relationships. There have been a couple of mini rants and posts on living wills and I even posted "My Bucket List" in July.

As you can see, it's really a bit of a mixed bag. I can't write about the same things all the time or I would be bored out of my tree!!

You may have noticed, that there is a green sidebar on the right hand side of this blog page. Part way down, there is a list of blog posts. All of September is listed right now, Older posts are archived by month. If you want to see older ones, click the arrow beside that month. That will open a drop down list of topics that were posted for that month. You can click on any topic you think sounds interesting and read that individual post. You can also just scroll down the page and click on older posts to get the previous 7 posts and so on.

At the bottom of every post is an option to leave a message if you have a "Google" account. My e-mail address is also listed on the comments page if you'd like to get in touch with me. You can also read any comments or e-mail that post to anyone that might find it interesting. There is also a guestbook link near the top of the green sidebar (e-mail address required but NOT published).

I did 50 posts the first 50 days and now post about three days/week. Sometimes I think I am a bit crazy for doing all this 'cuz I don't get that many hits - but I do get positive feedback from some of the people who have been here - so I keep going! Besides, no one has told me to quit!

For the most part, writing keeps me out of trouble and makes me keep thinking, so it's a good creative outlet. I have to like it, live it, love it, believe it, feel it, or laugh at it to write about it. I can't just post for the sake of posting.

I make NO money from this site, nor do I pay anything. I do this strictly for the fun of it and the mental release that writing brings me. Writing is great therapy for whatever ails ya! As long as I have something to say, I'll keep writing. I sincerely hope that you'll come along for the ride and maybe even invite a few others to join in!

Thanks for stopping by!


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