Saturday, June 6, 2009

Email Account Closed - Access Denied! Part 2

In my last post, I explained that in late April, one of my Hotmail accounts was closed supposedly due to "violations of therms of use" and my frustrating labyrinth like journey to find the proper support form to fill out and submit. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever get into the account again. Then, on Sunday, May 17 I finally found a post that might be the path to the mysterious support form that people in my situation are supposed to fill out. Here is the information that I found:

To anyone that reads this, I think I have found a solution for those who have Hotmail accounts that have been suddenly closed due to violation of terms and conditions. Please follow instructions below.
1. Go to the log in page where it shows the statement that you have violated terms and conditions.
2. Go towards the bottom and look on the right hand side where it states help central, click on this.
3. You will see that it will change to "Welcome to Windows Live ID and Account Management Help"
4. Look on the left hand side and scroll down FAQ section to question "why can't I log in" (12th question down). Press on this link.
5. This has now changed the box on the right hand. Look at the bottom of the box where it states "get more help", press this link
6. It will now change to say "Additional help options for Windows Live ID" press on the link that states "Get Support" this will then take you to a form that you need to fill in . Fill in all information with a red asterisk next to it and send. Explain that you have tried tech support and abuse team and have had no reply.
7. You should receive a reply within 24 hours

Well, I did try this and received a response less than 6 hours later, stating that my request for assistance would be passed on to "Windows Live Hotmail Abuse Support Group". My initial thought was; "Oh great! Here we go again!", but this time I also had a ticket/tracking number to reference for any future response. I hadn't gotten that before. I was still skeptical, but also hopeful.

Friday morning, May 22, I was greeted with an email from the Microsoft Customer Support Team. My account had been closed as a precaution against spam activity. They didn't give specifics, but I still believe that it was due to my problems seeing the HIP tests. The good news was that the account had been reopened! I finally had access to all of my emails and stored files again.

Of course, before I could completely log in to my account, I had to do another HIP! I couldn't read the first one and got the second one wrong but the third one I got right. I was IN!

Over the next few days, I spent several hours going through the various folders - copying, forwarding saved emails to another account and deleting items. I don't know exactly how many emails I had saved over the previous year but I think it must have been about 1500 or so. There is less than 400 on that account now and all are either backed up or replicable. I'll gradually remove most of them.

I'll still use the account for a few things, but my friends that I email on a regular basis have been given a new address to contact me.

Finding the correct form and submitting it, was like finding a needle in a haystack.Who knows how long I would have had to wait without it - or if I ever would have regained access to my account without this form. I have no idea why this information seems to be so difficult to obtain and why we are forced to jump through hoops and search for clues to find the correct information. Maybe it is to prove we REALLY are human, but it also proves that technology and all of it's advances can be VERY frustrating.

I hope you never encounter this type of problem, but you never know when something like this can happen to you ...

.... so PLEASE


Better safe than sorry.


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