Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn Is Here

For the last week or so, I have been hearing the Canada Geese honking as they begin their fall migration to the south. There is a hint of change in colour to the leaves and a feeling of change in the air. The crispness of fall is on the way.

Today, September 22, is the first day of fall. It officially begins at 4:18PM central.

I have always loved fall - it is my favourite season and I wish that the beauty of the season could last much longer than it does.

If you are lucky enough to live in a climate that has the spectacular colours of the fall foliage, please don't miss the opportunity to get out and enjoy Mother Nature's artistic paintbrush at work.

Even if you live in the city, there are lots of places to go and enjoy the array of colours. Take a walk down a tree lined street. Or a stroll through a nearby park. Get on a bus and go to a park if you can't walk there. If you drive, take a trip just outside the city and see the countryside in brilliant shades.

But whatever you do, don't miss the beauty while it is here....


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