Friday, February 5, 2010

dn's Baked Pork Chops

I created this recipe a couple of months ago when I wanted to try something a little different with pork chops. This was one of those rare occasions when the first try turned out to be a real winner! I hope you enjoy this flavour combo as much as I do!

dn's Baked Pork Chops

2 boneless pork chops, about 115g/4 oz each (I used center loin cut)
1 small onion - about 1/2 cup chopped
1/3 cup chopped sweet red pepper
1 medium apple
1 teaspoon crushed garlic (bottled type)
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/8 teaspoon lemon pepper seasoning
3 Tablespoons white cooking wine
1/4 cup fat free sour cream

Spray an 8X8 inch pan with cooking spray. Cut the onion and the pepper and add to pan. Core the apple and chop into small pieces - do not remove the skin. Add chopped apple to the onion and pepper. Add the garlic, basil, oregano and thyme then stir till well mixed and seasonings coat the produce. Trim any excess fat from the chops and lay them in the center of the dish, pushing aside the other ingredients so the meat can lay on the bottom. Sprinkle the lemon pepper on top of the chops.

Bake uncovered in preheated 375F oven for about 20 minutes. Stir the veggies and apple mixture and turn the chops over at that time. Return to the oven for another 20 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven and set on a hot pad or rack on the counter. Pour the cooking wine slowly over the veggies and apple stirring to lift the pan drippings from the bottom and sides of the pan as you go. Make a bit of a well in the center and slowly stir the sour cream into the wine. Mix the veggie/apple mixture thoroughly with the wine and sour cream. Spoon a little of the liquid over the chops and return the dish to the oven for 10 minutes or until sauce is bubbling.

Serve over brown rice and have a tossed salad or a side of steamed green vegetable such as broccoli or green beans to go along with it.

Serves 2

- I start a brown rice casserole at the same time as the chops. Spray a 1 1/2 quart dish with cooking spray. Add 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a teaspoon of oil or margarine. Cover and bake for about 50 minutes at 375F Any leftover rice can be frozen in individual servings for later use.

- you could use a low sodium chicken broth rather than the cooking wine, however I really like the tang that is added to the sauce by using the wine.



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