Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Know

I heard this great song a couple of months ago and realized that I had heard it before and knew that I loved it but for the life of me, couldn't figure out where I'd heard it. I didn't know the title or the artist as it was playing as background music on my TV weather info channel. I didn't have time to search for it before I went out.

While I was out, I kept humming the melody to myself every few minutes so I wouldn't forget it. I was also trying to recall the words but the only ones I could remember were “I know” That wasn't much to go on.

When I got home, I opened one of my recording programs and hummed what I could recall of the tune - about 30 seconds - into my microphone so I'd have it, because I knew that once I started listening to other music - while looking for this song - I'd get sidetracked by another melody and forget what I was looking for in the first place! After it was safely recorded and saved as an mp3, I began to search.

The song was done by a female singer with a smooth, clear, melodic tone that was both relaxing and fresh. The tune was light but had one of those catchy old style melodies that you could just picture someone doing a soft shoe dance routine to. It was one of those songs that just made you want to hear more. I needed to know who was singing it and hear what else they had recorded.

I went to my cable company’s web site to see what music service their digital music channels were from. I searched the web for that site and discovered that I could actually see the playlists for the last 24 hour period on all their stations. I knew approximately what time it had played so it was only a matter of clicking on each channel for that hour. Most of the channels would not have played this type of song so I only clicked on three or four before I found it in Pop - Pop Adult!
11:17 "I Know" by Meaghan Smith from her CD "The Cricket's Orchestra”

I then found it on YouTube and the moment it started, I knew it was the same song.

I searched for more info on the artist and then the light started to dawn. She is Canadian and I remembered that I had heard her on more than one occasion on a radio show that I listen to every week on the CBC called "The Vinyl Cafe"

I did a bit more searching around and found that this talented lady is not only a singer and musician but also a songwriter and an artist who studied animation. I could go on and on about this wonderful artist but she has made her own highly informative and entertaining video biography that really explains who she is and how she became a recording artist. She tells the story much better than I could so here is Meghan to tell you all about herself:

I started following her on Twitter and learned she also had MySpace and Facebook pages. Meaghan Makes Stuff is a way for her to showcase her various artistic talents. Over the last couple of months that I have been following her, she has offered her fans some really great discounts and giveaways. For example, she came across a box full of her first CD “Lost With Directions” which she thought was long out of print. Rather than sell them at a premium and make a little extra cash (as many artists would do) she opted to go straight to the fans via the social networks and offer them the limited edition and much sought after disk at far less than retail. She even offered to sign copies for anyone who wanted! The fans (including me) were snapping them up in no time! I don't know if there are any left but click on the link for the CD above and you just might get lucky!

Ms. Smith, has also given away some of her hand made purses and a box of specialty chocolates she received while doing a gig for a chocolate maker. Generous and Sweet!

Before Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, Meaghan teased that she had a surprise for her fans but wasn’t telling – yet! Around the beginning of November she announced that “A New Kind Of Light”, the Christmas CD she had done with Jill Barber and Rose Cousins was once again available! It was recorded and released in 2008. The disk sold out within a few weeks, but has been re-released for this Christmas. All 100% of the proceeds go to the Feed Nova Scotia Food Bank. Meaghan designed the album and did the artwork. The three ladies sing a collection of new, lesser known and traditional songs for the holidays.

Meaghan faithfully keeps us up to date on her performances, artwork and activities. She is keeping it real and really does respond to the fans comments and questions. She even asks us a few questions! A few days ago, she offered a free mp3 download to her fans. Not that unusual as many performers do that, but this was an acoustic version of one of her songs that was unavailable elsewhere. Meaghan has also promised more freebies and giveaways to come!

Here, just in time for the holidays, is one more tune from Meaghan. This is "Silver Bells" from the EP "Wish Upon A Star" . I think this is the only disk of hers that I don't have - yet - but it is on my wish list!!

So, if you are looking to expand your music collection or wondering what CD’s to add as stocking stuffers or put on your Christmas wish list, I would highly recommend that you add this gifted, entertaining and multi-talented artist to your playlists. Your ears will not be disappointed!


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