Sunday, January 2, 2011

Help Peak Help The Food Bank!

I got a great email the other day. Please take a moment to read it:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 7:03 AM
Subject: Simply by Forwarding this email you can Help Peak Help the Food Bank

Dear Peak of the Market Recipe Subscriber:

Peak of the Market is having a Food Drive for the Winnipeg Harvest Food Bank and I am writing today to ask for your help. For every new recipe e-mail subscriber, Peak of the Market Growers will donate 50 pounds of vegetables to the Food Bank. Since you have been receiving our recipe e-mails for a long time, you know firsthand we don’t send out spam or junk mail, we don’t share e-mail addresses and hopefully you are enjoying our free recipes. Therefore, your recommendation or suggestion to your friends, anywhere in the world, in your e-mail address book will mean a lot more than anything I could say. I realize everyone’s life is very busy but if you can take a few minutes and forward this e-mail with a note from you, it will help more than you know. If just 10 of your friends sign up for free recipe e-mails that will mean 500 pounds of fresh vegetables will go to Winnipeg Harvest. It’s that simple.

Imagine if all of our 47,504 recipe subscribers in 134 countries forwarded this e-mail. We can use the power of the internet to reach people around the world to help those less fortunate. Thanks for your time and your help. I greatly appreciate it and so does the Food Bank.
Larry McIntosh

Sign up for Free e-mail Recipes and Help the Food Bank

Sign up for Peak of the Market’s free e-mail recipes by February 28, 2011 and Peak of the Market Growers will donate 50 pounds of fresh vegetables to the Winnipeg Harvest Food Bank. Sign up at to receive free recipes on a daily to weekly basis.

Peak of the Market has 47,504 recipe subscribers in 134 countries. Every recipe contains a vegetable, however, recipes may be for meat, fish or vegetables only. All recipe measurements are in both metric and imperial. The only information required is your e-mail address and your province, state or country. You can unsubscribe at any time and Peak of the Market does not share e-mail addresses with any third party.

Peak of the Market is a not for profit organization that represents 40 Manitoba Family Farms. Winnipeg Harvest shares food with more than 58,000 people each month through over 320 Food Banks and Soup Kitchens in Manitoba.
Thanks, take care and please don't forget to eat your veggies!

Larry McIntosh, President & CEO
Peak of the Market
1200 King Edward Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R5

Wow! What a great promotion! Lots of free recipes and a very generous donation to a wonderful cause! 50 pounds of produce to the Food Bank for EVERY new subscriber to the service! As Mr. McIntosh explained, there is no fee here and your addresses aren't going to be sold or published. They only send you recipes and maybe 3 or 4 info/newsletter type emails per year.

As the message said, Peak Of The Market is based here in Manitoba, but has thousands of subscribers all over the world who are receiving their recipes on a regular basis. I've been subscribing for over 4 years and have come across some great recipes and ideas for preparing my produce. Of course, there are also some recipes that you couldn't pay me to try but that is part of the fun of opening the recipe email and seeing what the feature recipe is for that day!

I sent a copy of the above email to about 25 friends all over the world. I know at least one of them has signed up so far – and they live thousands of miles away!
The holiday season may be over, but there is still time to give to a worthy cause. This is certainly one of the easiest ways I’ve ever seen to make a generous donation. It is also one that everyone with an email account can afford.

So whether you barely cook, are a novice cook or love to experiment in the kitchen I hope you will consider adding your name to their mailing list so that even more produce can be donated to the food bank. Also please feel free to forward this blog post or a link to the sign up page to anyone you know who may be interested in finding some new recipes!

BTW, if you happen to come across this post after the promotion deadline of February 28, 2011 you can still sign up for great recipes. Winnipeg Harvest can always use extra help and donations. Please visit their site and see if there is a way you can help. Or check your local area for a food bank near you. They can let you know how you can help.

Thanks, dn

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