Sunday, December 22, 2013

Some Seasonal Smiles!

It's only a few more days till Christmas.

Is your holiday shopping done? Are you ready for the big guy to make his rounds? Are you up for more holiday gatherings with family and friends?

Hate me if you must, but I've been done the decorating, cards, gifts, wrapping and baking since December 1! The gifts have been sent and most of the baking has been delivered. I'll see more friends and family after the holidays or early in the new year. I did the last of the pre-Christmas grocery shopping this past Friday morning. Now I can pretty much hibernate for the next week! I'll check the post-Christmas sales online but I won't be venturing to the malls till the new year!

I'm quite content to hibernate this time of year. The malls are packed and the weather here in "Winterpeg" is truly frightful!

So, for those of you who are also all tucked in for the season and especially for those in these last days of pre-Christmas frenzy, here is a little humour to keep you somewhat sane!

cartoon by John Baynham

For some of my past holiday humour, you can check these posts:

You will find more laughs at these sites and many more!
Aunty Acid
Off The Mark

Merry Humbug!

Happy New Year!


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