Sunday, September 6, 2015

More Summer Views

September has arrived and summer is quickly drawing to a close. We've had some insanely hot and humid days (and nights!)here in Winnipeg. We've had some torrential like rainfalls. We've had hazy skies. We've had days that were cooler than normal and days that were right on seasonal norms. In other words, this summer had a bit of almost everything!

As someone who doesn't like the heat, I'm happy to see the hot and humid days leave but with the end of summer weather, it also means that my direct window views of the sunsets are quickly drawing to a close for another year.

On July 19, I shared a number of collages of the beautiful sky views that I see from my window. Today, I've decided to share even more of my gorgeous summer view!

There has been ominous looking skies, stormy weather, a bit of lightening, haze, more spectacular sunsets and I even managed to catch a colourful sunrise,

Here then, is a collection of photos from the last 7 weeks!

I didn't do the greatest job of stitching these two pics together but the clouds were very dark. Thankfully, this didn't turn out to be as bad as it looked: 
We did get some stormy weather including heavy rains
Lightening is NOT easy to capture in a single pic, but I did manage to do it a couple of times!
There has been more haze from forest fires to the north and the west
One morning, I was actually awake early enough and coherent enough to even grab the camera for a couple pics of the sunrise!
But, as always, my favourites are the spectacular sunsets! 
This was an evening that I just had to do two versions of. One from a distance and one with zoom.
This is another one that I did two versions of. One from a distance and one with zoom.
One more that I just had to do two versions of. One from a distance and one with zoom

As you can no doubt tell, I LOVE my summer views! I hope your summer views have also been spectacular!


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