Sunday, August 8, 2010

Doug and Judy - The Romance (Part Two)

(Editor’s Note: Last week, I posted part one of this love story and today, I am proud to post part two. Here’s Judy - in her own words - to share the rest of the story.)

" Doug and Judy - The Romance" (Part Two)

Our romance was short lived at that time. Doug was in the Army and returned after his leave. On his next visit we again dated and I met his mother. She was a sweet, sweet lady, of course she had a wonderful son! She made a beautiful rag doll and gave it to me. I still have that doll today. Before Doug returned to the Army this time, he asked me to marry him. I was euphoric and sad at the same time. I could not marry him then. My father had died just a few months ago, my mother had just had surgery for breast cancer, my sister was 8 years old and my brother was in the Air Force, I could not leave my family at that time when I was needed so badly.

Doug had found a job in Milwaukee . When he returned for a visit he told me again that he loved me and that I was the perfect one for him, but I still could not marry him. The timing was just not right. On his next visit he told me he had met another girl and was going to marry her as he did not believe that there was a chance of our marrying each other. We said our goodbyes and I wished him well - he left me then and my heart broke in two.

Over the years I would think of Doug . I wondered where he was now and I still heard his words that he loved me. Those words haunted me and stayed with me as I went from 29 to 30 and 39 to 40. I would talk to God and ask Him where Doug was and did he ever think of me? Was he still married, did he have children? Please, God, was Doug still alive? 49 to 50 and I began looking in phone books of other cities that I visited. I went online and entered his name - there were a lot of people with his last name and more than one Douglas, but the city just didn't seem right.

My life from 20 to 70 was not boring. I loved music; singing and dancing. In my mid 20's I was an Arthur Murray dance instructor. It lasted less than a year as women instructors were required to wear high heels. Wearing heels for 6 hours while others walked on my feet more than I did convinced me to go into another line of work.

Then in my 30's I met John . He was a good man and kind to me. He asked me to marry him and gave me a beautiful ring. We were together for 18 years but never got around to getting married. At 49 I decided to go on my own again.

I worked, had my friends, had my music and I had my faith in God that what will be will be. I was contented and not lonely. I retired at 65 and was at peace with myself.........and I thought of Doug .....

I had several girlfriends online and we exchanged Emails and met in online rooms. Several of them opened Facebook accounts and asked me to join them. I didn't see the value in it but went ahead and joined also. I didn't go there very often but I did from time to time.

On December 15, 2009 I had checked my Facebook account. Nobody I knew was on it so I was about to leave when I spotted a window that said "who are you looking for". Without even thinking I typed in " Doug P___ ". Not expecting anything to appear I was shocked to see a picture of a man I had never seen before. I read his profile which said he was from Eau Claire and 73 years old and single. Oh my gosh! Could that really be THE Doug? I decided I would write him a note:

"Hello Doug . Periodically I checked phone books, etc. to see if I could find you again. When I saw you were from Eau Claire I thought I would drop you a line. I'm from Chippewa Falls and Doug P___ and I used to date...........way back when. I see that you are 73 and I'm 71 so maybe we are the same people. I was just curious if you were the same Doug I once knew. My name is Judy D_____ . If that rings a bell please drop me a line. I'm not on Facebook very often but will check back to see if you replied. Bye for now."

I checked back the next day and found this reply:

"Girl, what a surprise. Yes I am the same Doug . I have been searching for you for several years. Please send me a note to my e-mail address and include yours. (e-mail address enclosed) I live be near my children. Wife died a few years ago."

We began an online courtship that warmed our hearts.

Proposal # 3 - he asked me again to marry him and this time I said yes. Within 3 weeks he made the 5 hour trip to visit me and we were going to marry right then. But as we made plans we realized that we were moving too fast. There were major decisions to be made and he returned home...both of us broken hearted again. We continued writing and spent hours each day online renewing our friendship, our love and making plans. We reset the date! In January he returned again, this time with a beautiful diamond ring which I proudly wear. He still loved me and still thought I was the perfect one for him. Me? I realized that he was the one man whom I had loved over a 50 year span and I will become his wife on September 18, 2010 . He told me that I was "the love of his life" and I told him "I would love him for life".

There is no end to this story.................not ever............................not on this earth!

written by: Judy D.


Judy, thank you for letting me share this wonderful love story! I hope the two of you have many wonderful years together!!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Judy,

    Roger Martineau and I, Liz Diederich Martineau enjoyed your story very much. Yes, we two classmates married each other in 1959, so we have been married over 51 years. We live in DeBary, Fl six months a year and in Eagle River WI the other six months. Congratulations and many happy returns! Hope to hear from you. Here's to the class of '56 and here's to enduring romance. Sister Kathleen would be so proud that we write each other or write at all! Liz
